Frida Narin

I was born in a little city, Marivan in Kurdistan of Iran.
2003, I finished my study in Visual Arts.
2005, I have published my first poem book in Iran.
Between 2004 and 2007 I worked as a woman and children right activist in Iran.
2007,I left my country and I started new life and activity in Erbil, Kurdistan of Irak as a Jurnalist.
Since 2008 I had given a weekly column in the newspaper Hewler called
“Narin’s Column” which dealt with the issues and problems of
women. This column was stopped in 2010 as a result of pressure
by Islamic groups.
2010, I participated in a group exhibition in Paris, this exhibition was beside the annual conferance of THE IRANIAN WOMEN'S STUDIES FOUNDATION.
Summer 2012, I participated in a group exhibition in Frankfort that was beside The three-day conference on behalf of "kunst-erkenntnis-problem", I have also read a few of my Persian poems which they translated to German language.
From 2012 till now I am student in History of Art and Archeology in Nantes University.
2015: I published my second book " But I!Neither a product of love nor pleasure", Gothe&Hafis, Germany